8 de julio de 2008

Premio a la contribucion en WaveMaker

Es un honor poder ayudar a la comunidad de WaveMaker y poder seguir seguir aportando nuevas ideas y buscar soluciones y ayuda de la comunidad.
Con esta gesto de la gente de WaveMaker espero que otras personas de hispanoamerica puedan conocer y poder contruibuir a esta gran empresa de desarrollo web.

Aqui esta mi grata noticia este dia:

iPod RockStars

About a month ago, we found this nice 20GB classic iPod here at WaveMaker and I offered to send it to the most helpful community member.
Since then we've seen our community grow and grow ! People have been getting involved. Sharing ideas. Helping each other. Sharing videos and laughs too.
I think we all would agree that Mavirroco has become a core community member this month. Thus it is my pleasure to send the iPod to our friend in Bolivia. Congratulations Mavirroco !
Honorable mention also goes to: WhoAmI, Zpeskin and DeadBeef. These three have also made significant contributions to the community this month and I will happily be sending them an iPod Shuffle, in WaveMaker Blue of course.
Congratulations to all our WaveMaker Community Rockstars and thanks to everyone for their participation in the community.
Ed Callahan

Gracias WM

2 comentarios:

Christopher Keene dijo...

Congratulations - you deserve the award! Thank you for your help on the WaveMaker community.

Unknown dijo...

thanks a lot Christopher

Mis cosas

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